Dee's CSS Gallery 1

The beauty of using a Cascade Style Sheet (CSS) in web page programming is that we can change the appearance of the web site by replacing one single file - the CSS style sheet - without having to revise any other web pages within the web site.

The following are my web designs that have exactly the same html codes as the current web pages but use different css style sheets. (These designs have a fixed width but a fluid height.)

Feel free to drop me a line if you think my current choice of the style sheet should be switched to other designs. Also, note that given the various designs above, you may think I spent a lot of time on designing the web site. But, I actually spent only 20 minutes or less on modifying the original CSS style sheet for each design.

Dee's CSS Gallery 2

The following are my earlier web designs that have very different html codes and css style sheets. Note that I did not do cross-browser checks for these earlier designs. Therefore, some of them may not work properly with your current web browser.

Other CSS Galleries

As you can see, I don't use much image for my designs. For more complicated designs with images, here is the list of CSS design galleries that I like.