The Beast

Most people call him Tao. His name is actually Tao-Huay. It means tofu desert or soy custard (tofu fa in Cantonese).

He was born in October 2005. Below are pictures of the Beast at several intervals of his life. (Some of these pictures were taken by me. Others were taken by the vet's assistants when he spent time at the doggy day care. They are not that great because it is extremely difficult to take his picture. He does not like the camera.)

on his favorite futon3 months

on his parents' sofa6 months

on his playground8 months

on his playground again9 months

recovering from the leg surgery12 months

with his sister13 months

his very own spot at the day care (the vet's chair)27 months

with his day care friend27 months

where is my food?40 months